Dash.js CMCDParameters

Dash.js CMCDParameters

Let’s give control of CMCD to the content delivery teams through the MPD. 

To use CMCD on DASH clients, it was necessary to enable CMCD via JavaScript and also set the content ID. Starting from MPEG-DASH 6th edition, it is now possible to describe the desired behavior of DASH players using CMCD parameters. This allows not only the configuration of CMCD but also the ability to dynamically adjust it. For example, when performing Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI), now it's possible to change the content ID for each new period within the MPD.


Within MPEG-DASH 6th edition, the parameters for CMCD Reporting are defined as follows.

MPD examples and use cases

Same options as dash.js API inside the MPD

Filter by type of request using includeInRequest

Can be present in a Period and overriides the MPD config.

Specify CDNs to send CMCD using serviceLocations

Set CMCD Parameters per CDN using the serviceLocation

CMCD + Content Steering

Do better decisions with your content steering server by sending CMCD just by adding "steering" in the InludeInRequest attribute

Content Steering architecture

CMCD Parameters configuration for Content Steering

CMCDParameters is already available in nightly builds of dash.js